Circumnavigation of Vancouver Island July 30 - August 3

Village Island to Sointula, Malcolm Island, Port Hardy, Bull Harbour, Hope Island, Sea Otter Cove and Koprino Harbour
Indian Channel west of Village Island
Indian Channel going to Blackfish Sound
A container barge in Blackfish Sound
Floating kelp
A whale in Blackfish Sound
The pub and liquor store in Sointula, Malcolm Island
One of the many picturesque homes in Sointula
An ore carrier near Port McNeil
The fog starting to form as we were in Charlotte Strait heading for Port Hardy
Heavy surface fog but visible sky above
Thick fog in Charlotte Strait heading for Port Hardy
Jimmy Pattison’s 150 foot yacht Nova Spirit in Port Hardy from the stern of our 42 foot Jirah. Nice boat.
This boat was not paying any attention to the harbour markers and ran aground. This is mid-afternoon at low tide which was already several hours after they hit…
Caves in the cliff entering Bull Harbour, Hope Island
An interesting rock formation in Bull Harbour, Hope Island
A village of the Tlatlasikwala First Nations which is occupied off and on. When we were there it appeared to be unoccupied but we did not go ashore.
Sunrise leaving Bull Harbour
A fishing boat hitting the swells going past Cape Scott
Sea otter
A sea otter relaxing and watching us sail by